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Back to News February 2022

Anticipated Offshore Survey Operations 2022

A series of geophysical and geotechnical surveys will be undertaken to allow us to measure water depth, to identify seabed features (e.g., sand waves, reefs, archaeological features), to determine seabed sediment type and distribution (sand, mud, gravel, rock) both on and below the seabed. We will also be carrying out ecological surveys to determine the ecology on and in the seabed and in the water column. Oceanographic and hydrographic data on wind speed, current speed and direction and wave height will also be recorded.

During 2022 the project intends undertaking the following offshore geophysical and metocean survey activities:

Further details of the proposed surveys methods and devices are available in the attached information leaflet.

Survey Explainer
PDF | 540KB

The team would be happy to discuss any aspects of the survey operations. Please contact us on to arrange a meeting.